Thursday, December 29, 2011

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Of the fruits and vegetables you buy every week, which should you buy organic? The Environmental Working Group’s Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides identifies fruits and vegetables that have the highest and lowest pesticide residues. The 12 fruits and vegetables that make up their "Dirty Dozen" list, are most likely to be contaminated with pesticide residues. If you’re worried about pesticides in your food, consider buying these 12 fruits and vegetables organic, starting with the most contaminated food.

1. Apples - Topping the 2011 dirty dozen list is a tree fruit that always makes the list: Apples. (Apples ranked No. 2 in 2009 and No. 4 in 2010.) more than 40 different pesticides have been detected on apples, because fungus and insect threats prompt farmers to spray various chemicals on their orchards. Not surprisingly, pesticide residue is also found in apple juice and apple sauce, making all apple products smart foods to buy organic.
Some recommend peeling apples to reduce exposure to pesticide residue, but be aware that you're peeling away many of the fruit's most beneficial nutrients when you do so!
Can't find organic apples? Safer alternatives include watermelon, bananas and tangerines.

2. Celery - Another perennial food on the dirty dozen list is celery. It's a good one to commit to memory, since it doesn't fit the three main categories of foods with the highest pesticide residue (tree fruits, berries and leafy greens). USDA tests have found more than 60 different pesticides on celery.
Can't find organic celery? Safer alternatives with a similar crunch include broccoli, radishes and onions.

3. Strawberries - Strawberries are always on the list of dirty dozen foods, in part because fungus prompts farmers to spray, and pesticide residue remains on berries sold at market. Nearly 60 different pesticides have been found on strawberries, though fewer are found on frozen strawberries.
Can't find organic strawberries? Safer alternatives include kiwi and pineapples.

4. Peaches - Another tree fruit that always makes the dirty dozen list: peaches. more than 60 pesticides have been found on peaches, an nearly as many in single-serving packs, but far fewer in canned peaches.
Safer alternatives include watermelon, tangerines, oranges and grapefruit.

5. Spinach -Leading the leafy green pesticide residue category is spinach, with nearly 50 different pesticides. (While frozen spinach has nearly as many, canned has had fewer detected pesticides.)

6. Nectarines (Imported) - Nectarines, at least imported ones, are among the most highly contaminated tree fruits. Domestic nectarines don't test with as much pesticide residue, but overall 33 pesticides have been detected on nectarines.
Can't find organic nectarines? Try pineapple, papaya or mango.
7. Grapes (Imported) - Another perennial entrant on the dirty dozen list, imported grapes can have more than 30 pesticides. Raisins, not surprisingly, also have high pesticide residue tests. Makes you wonder about wine, eh?
8. Sweet Bell Peppers -  Another fruit that usually makes the dirty dozen list because it tends to have high pesticide residue is the sweet bell pepper, in all of its colorful varieties. Nearly 50 different pesticides have been detected on sweet bell peppers.

9. Potatoes - America's favorite vegetable is the potato; unfortunately, more than 35 pesticides have been detected on potatoes in USDA testing. Sweet potatoes offer a delicious alternative with less chance of pesticide residue.
10. Blueberries (Domestic) - Blueberries usually make the dirty dozen list, since more than 50 pesticides have been detected as residue on them. Frozen blueberries have proved somewhat less contaminated. Unfortunately, obvious alternatives like cranberries and cherries, while they may not make the dirty dozen list this year, are often contaminated themselves. For breakfast cereal, if you can't find blueberries, consider topping with bananas.
11. Lettuce - Joining spinach in the leafy greens category, lettuce makes the list of dirty dozen foods with the most pesticides. More than 50 pesticides have been identified on lettuce. If you can't find organic lettuce, alternatives include asparagus.

12. Kale/Collard Greens - A superfood, traditionally kale is known as a hardier vegetable that rarely suffers from pests and disease, but it was found to have high amounts of pesticide residue when tested in each of the past two years.
Can't find organic kale? Safer alternatives include cabbage, asparagus and broccoli. Dandelion greens also make a nutritious alternative.

*Some other sites also included Pears, Cherries and Raspberries*

Buy the Clean 15

If the cost of buying all organic isn't within your budget, fear not. Check out The Daily Green's list of fruit and vegetables so clean of pesticides you don't have to buy organic. (Of course, buying organic is always a good choice for the health of farms and farm workers, regardless of the residue left on the end product.) The feature also includes tips for buying, cleaning, storing and using each fruit and vegetable – as well as delicious recipes! Here's a look at the Environmental Working Group's 2011 Clean 15 list:

1. Onions
2. Sweet Corn
3. Pineapple
4. Avocado
5. Asparagus
6. Sweet peas
7. Mango
8. Eggplant
9. Cantaloupe (domestic)
10. Kiwi
11. Cabbage
12. Watermelon
13. Sweet Potatoes
14. Grapefruit
15. Mushrooms

The above info was found at

P2 Deals of the week!!

King Soopers
Roma Tomatoes .79 a lb
Bonless Skinless Chicken Breast $1.88 lb
Organic Aplles .99 lb
California Navel Oranges $3.99 for 8lb bag
Texas Rio Star Grapefruit $3.99 for 10lb bag
Organic Navel Oranges $3.99 for a 4lb bag

Chicken Breast $1.77 lb
93% Lean Ground Beef $2.69 lb
Petite SirLoin Buy one get one FREE
Large Navel Oranges .99 lb

Navel Oranges .59 lb
Garlic 3 for $1
Red and Green Lettuce .88 ea
Roma Tomatoes .88 lb
Sweet Onions .88 lb
Apples .99 lb
Hothouse Cucumbers.99 ea
Rio Red Texas Grapefruit 3 for $1
Organic Romain lettuce 2 for $3
Organic Spinach 2 for $3
3.5-4 oz Lobster Tails $4.99
Lemons 3$1
Chicken Tenders $2.99 lb
Cooked Large Shrimp $4.99 lb (about 40-50 shrimp)
Organic Red and Green Cabbage .99 lb
Organic Gala and Braeburn Apples $1.49 lb

Thursday, December 22, 2011


Many of the Candida symptoms in males are the same as they are for women, but there are a few unique aspects. Candida is believed to occur more often in women, but the truth is that it occurs in high numbers for men as well, but it is reported and diagnosed less frequently.

Men are less likely to be diagnosed with Candida for two reasons:

- One is because they don't seek help for their symptoms. the symptoms of Candida in males are often dismissed or denied by the man. He will just live with them because he thinks its unmanly to talk about them or get help. Men are socialized to just live with pain and discomfort rather than address it.

- The second is that Candida in males get mislabeled all kinds of other disorders, because there is a lack of education about Candida in the mainstream Medical society.

Males with Candida tend to get these labels:
  • Chronic Prostatitis
  • Hyperactive
  • Learning Disabilities
  • Attention Deficit Disorder
  • Conduct Disorder
  • Anger or Rage Disorders
  • Alcoholic
  • Drug Addict
  • Anti-social Disorder
  • Autism
The instigator in all these conditions can be Candida. Several other factors such as food allergies, hypoglycemia, nutritional deficiencies, chemical sensitivities etc, may be the culprit as well, but these too are all part of the Candida syndrome. Where you find one, you usually find the others.

One of the most common organs to be affected by Candida is the brain and the nervous system. When this happens, it results in a variety of Candida symptoms in males that exhibit themselves as psychological or cognitive problems.

Other common Candida symptoms in males that don't fall under an actual disorder label may consist of irritability, cognitive difficulties, depression, inability to concentrate, fatigue, restlessness, anxiety, forgetfulness, diarrhea, constipation, headaches, frequent stomach aches, indigestion, heartburn, excessive shyness or feelings of being self-conscious, rashes and many more.

As children males with Candida typically experienced a lot of earaches, which resulted in antibiotics that only aggravated the Candida. As children and as men they may get in fights a lot and have difficulty excelling in school. They may be underachievers, due to Candida inhibiting brain function.

Two more very common Candida symptoms for males are jock itch and athletes feet. In these cases the Candida has localized in the feet or the genitals.

Many men have cured there chronic prostatitis or relieved their symptoms greatly by following a Candida Treatment regimen.

P2 Deals of the week!!

King Soopers
California Navel Oranges 4 for $1
Asparagus $2.99 lb
Roma and Granny Smith Apples .99 lb
Texas Rio Star Grapefruit $3.99 for 10lb bag

Yellow Onions 2lbs for $1
Navel Oranges .88 lb
Super Select Cucumbers 2 for $1
Hot House Tomatoes .99 lb
Celery .99 ea
Romaine Lettuce .99 ea
Organic Red and yellow Onions .99 lb
Tomoatoes on the vine $1.99 lb
Chicken Tenders $2.99 lb
All Organic Apples $1.77 lb

Thursday, December 15, 2011

How to Food-Shop to maintain your Weight Loss

Making poor food choices can be all too easy — especially when you hit the grocery store and see aisle upon aisle of delicious, but dangerously unhealthy, foods. If you want to eat more healthfully, consider revamping your grocery shopping list and start choosing the most nutrition-rich products at the store. Here’s how to do it:
  • If it’s bagged or boxed, don’t buy it. Odds are, if the food comes in a bag or a box, it’s been processed and contains chemicals and preservatives that could add to your body’s toxic load.
  • Shop the perimeter of the store. The healthiest foods — fresh produce, meats, and dairy — are often located in the outer aisles, while the interior of the store — or Fake Food Land, as I like to call it — is stocked with the processed foods that will add to both your toxic load and your waist line.
  • Check the labels. If it lists something long and unpronounceable, put it down. If you can’t read it and say it, you probably don’t want to eat it. (There are exceptions to this rule, since some healthy ingredients have long unrecognizable names. Use the Ingredients to Avoid list in my Food Reference Guide to help you navigate.)
  • Look for clean foods. Choosing organic produce, grass-fed beef and lamb, organic chicken, wild-caught seafood and natural pork will limit your exposure to toxins.
  • Avoid refined carbohydrates. White flour, white rice, corn, and most sweeteners are Insulin Triggers that can cause your body to store all the calories you eat as fat — and make it hard for you to burn your stored fat as energy. Look for whole-grain breads and pastas to help avoid the insulin rush.
  • Choose the best beverages. Water is the best and healthiest drink, but decaffeinated teas and Swiss Water decaffeinated coffees are also good choices. Avoid sodas, whether regular or diet — the regular kinds are loaded with sugar and trigger an insulin surge, and the diet ones are full of chemicals and toxins you want to avoid.
The foundation of this plan is adopting and adapting to healthy eating habits, and a huge part of that is knowing how to shop for healthy, wholesome food.

P2 Deals of the week!!

King Soopers
California Navel Oranges 4 for $1
Asparagus $2.99 lb
Roma or Granny Smith Apples .99 lb

93% lean ground beef $2.69 lb
Large Navel Oranges .99 lb
Celery .89 lb
Tomoatoes on the vine 2 for $5
Gala and Granny Smith $1.409 lb

Sunflower Market
Hot House Cucumbers .88ea
Roma Tomoatoes .88 lb
Red or Green Leaf Lettuce .99 ea
Spinach .99 ea
On the vine Tomatoes 2 for $3
Yellow Onions 2 for $3
Fuji, Braeburn & Jonagold Apples .99lb
Organic Red and Yellow Onions .99 lb
93% Lean Goround Beef $3.97 lb
Chicken Breast $2.99 lb
OOrganic Braeburn and Fuji Apples 2 for $3
Celery 2 for $3

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Hidden Insulin Triggers

Everyone knows that candy, cakes, and cookies will give you that “sugar rush” — which causes your body to release insulin to balance the rise in blood sugar. What you may not realize are the not so obvious foods that also trigger an insulin response — like white flour and starchy vegetables and fruits such as carrots, corn, squash, potatoes, and bananas. Even seemingly healthier sweeteners, like honey, can cause unwanted insulin spikes. The human body does not distinguish sugar from white flour, or potatoes, or honey. They all turn to sugar upon digestion.

The key to losing weight is controlling that insulin response by avoiding all sugary or high-starch foods. When we were younger, many of us metabolized these sugars without a problem; but as we age, our bodies can no longer process these sugars optimally.

Along with sugar and white flour, here’s a brief list of some of the starchy fruits and vegetables you’ll want to use with caution: acorn squash, beets, bananas, butternut squash, carrots, corn, Hubbard squash, parsnips, potatoes, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, and yams. Don’t worry, they’re not gone forever — you’ll be able to indulge from time to time once you’re on the lifetime phase of maintenance.

You’ll also want to be careful about your beverages: Drinks like beer, wine, and hard alcohol may actually cause worse spikes in your insulin levels than indulging in a sugary treat.

The idea of cutting these delicious foods from your diet may cause you to balk at first — believe me, I know! But just keep your goal in mind: Think about the sleek, firm body you could have with just a little dedication. I promise you, cleaning stored sugar out of your system is 100 percent worth the sacrifice. I’ve been where you are and am here to tell you that cutting out these added sugars will get you in the best shape of your life. Every day can be a radiant day, full of energy, vitality, and good health. I am fortunate to feel this way, and soon, every day will be the same way for you!

P2 Deals of the week!!

King Soopers
English cucumbers $1 ea
Asparagus $1.99 lb
Blue Diamond Nut Thins 2 for $4
Cameo Apples .99 lb

Chicken breast and Chicken Tenders Buy one get two FREE
93% Lean Ground Beef $2.99 lb
Spinach Bunches 2 for $1
Large Navel Oranges .99 lb

Sunflower Market
Grapefruit 6 for $1
Navel Oranges .77 lb
Select Cucumbers 2 for $1
Celery .88 ea
Organic Gala Apples $1.69 lb
Organic Hot House Tomoatoes $1.99 lb
Red, Golden and Granny Smith Apples .99 lb
Asparagus $1.88 lb
Chicken Breast 1.88 lb
Organic Red and Green Leaf Lettuce 2 for $3

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Drops vs. Injections

HCG is actually a glycoprotein that "acts" like a hormone in the system. The body does most of its communication through the endocrine system, so it acts like a hormone in that the endocrine system is activated by its presence.

The Phase 2 formula derives its hCG from the actual isode powder that one would use for injections. It is put through a dilution process to a 12x dilution. This ratio is strong enough to access the body's already present hCG, without throwing off the delicate balance of the other hormones. Extra hCG production in the body will slightly affect the endocrine system, however, the body will regain it's pre-hCG balance after completion of the program.

The injections themselves carry a significant impact to the system. Think of it this way: If the body does not produce a certain "hormone/substance", and it is introduced into the system by another means, the body it has to determine how to balance out the new elements. Since the body is always seeking balance, it will produce other hormones to balance out the new element/substance that is now present, i.e. injected hCG. In an effort to create balance, the body produces a cascade of other hormones, which, (because the body has produced these hormones under a somewhat false pretense), can throw the body into an different level of imbalance. This can be the danger of high impact substance usage.

Another example of this would be DHEA which is produced by the adrenal glands. If the body is not producing enough, then there is a reason. Now if you take DHEA as a supplement, since the body did not produce the DHEA, it has to regain balance and use other resources to create other hormones to satisfy balance. This usage of other resources may cause more intensive depletions.

As Dr. Simeons demonstrated in the 1950's, the injection form of hCG works! And it works wonderfully. For those who cannot, or would prefer not to do the injections, the drops are available and work just as well!

Homeopathic remedies or dilution formulas work on a different level. They stimulate the body to use what is already inherent in the system. So, since we all, already, have hCG in the system in small amounts, the homeopathic hCG will stimulate the body to recognize and use the hCG in a more intensifying way. Therefore, it is as if we have injected the actual solution of hCG, but we have forgone the ramifications of the full-on impact.

Our hCG is of human source.

The glycoprotein is extracted from the urine and put through a dehydration process. The result is a powdered isode that is then ready for mixing (for injection, or sublingual). Our manufacturer then takes the isode and does the dilution process for the homeopathic. Then, our isode is diluted to the 12th dilution, so . . . as told by one of my mathematical clients:

1 ounce of water contains 9.8875 x 10 to the 23rd power molecules (the amount of total molecules in a 1oz bottle)
(1 million molecules is 1 x 10 to the 6th power)

Based on these figures: at 12 parts per million dilution (12x) a significant amount of hCG molucules can be found in a one ounce bottle.
Using more advanced equipment than just a pregnancy hCG test strip, hCG molecules can be found in a 12x dilution. A pregnancy urine test strip will not show the presence of hCG while taking the drops, however, a blood test will confirm elevated levels. Enough to access the areas of adipose fat, yet not enough to stress the endocrine system and its delicate balance.
What about viral, bacterial and contaminates:

No viral or bacterial micro organism can live outside a human cell for longer than 1 hour (in a controlled environment)
The hCG is procured and put through dehydration and manufacturing processes that are certainly not considered "controlled" for the livelihood of any micro organism. Therefore, the glycoprotein isode is a sterile starter.

Our FDA Certified, Kosher Certified manufacturing facility tests the ingredients of our solution before and after for contaminants, so there is no fear of bacterial or viral patterns (like HIV) in the Phase 2 formula.

P2 Deals of the week

King Soopers
Asparagus $1.99 lb
Chiecken Breast 2.47
Celery .69 lb

Chicken Breast $1.99
93% Ground Beef $2.99 lb
Celery .79 lb

Chicken Breast $1.67
Navel Oranges 2 for $1
Red and Green Lettuce .88 ea
Oragnic Red and Yellow Onions .99lb

Tomatoes .88lb
Hot House Cucumbers 2 for $4
Strawberries 2 for $5

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Stop the Pop: Kicking Your Soda Habit

Americans drink over 50 gallons of soda per person each year — and most of those soft drinks are full of corn syrup and sugar — and calories. All that liquid sugar serves to spike our insulin levels and encourage our bodies to store energy as fat, which makes us fat in the process. Think you’re off the hook because you drink diet sodas? Think again.

Diet versions aren’t any better — they may be worse because they’re loaded with chemicals that can wreak havoc on your health and your weight. When you drink diet sodas, the brain finds nothing recognizable as nutrition to make healthy cells. And the brain wants to get fed, so it triggers cravings for more food. Suddenly, you’re faced with impossible–to–ignore cravings for fattening foods (hello, french fries!).

Even worse, some of the artificial sweeteners used in diet sodas have been linked to both obesity and brain tumors. So you could be destroying — not protecting — your health by downing these chemicals.

The solution is simple: Skip the sodas and look for more natural ways to quench your thirst. If plain old water simply won’t do, you can try mineral waters or consider jazzing up your water with a twist of lemon or lime. You could also look for carbonated waters, like seltzers or sparkling waters, to get the fizz of soda without the chemicals or the sugar. Your body — and your waistline — will thank you!

P2 Deals of the Week!!

King Soopers
Chicken Breast $1.88 lb
English Cucumbers $1
Honey Crisp Apples $1.99

93% Ground Beef $2.49
Gala Apples .77 lb
Petite Sirloins Buy one get one Free
Chicken Breast $1.99 lb
Roma Tomatoes .99 lb

On the Vine Tomatoes .59 lb
Red, Yellow or White Onions 2 for $1
Texas Grapefruit 4 for $1
Apples .99 lb
93% ground Beef 3.99lb
Chicken Breast $2.99 lb

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Everyone knows that candy, cakes, and cookies will give you that “sugar rush” — which causes your body to release insulin to balance the rise in blood sugar. What you may not realize are the not so obvious foods that also trigger an insulin response — like white flour and starchy vegetables and fruits such as carrots, corn, squash, potatoes, and bananas. Even seemingly healthier sweeteners, like honey, can cause unwanted insulin spikes. The human body does not distinguish sugar from white flour, or potatoes, or honey. They all turn to sugar upon digestion.

The key to losing weight is controlling that insulin response by avoiding all sugary or high-starch foods. When we were younger, many of us metabolized these sugars without a problem; but as we age, our bodies can no longer process these sugars optimally.

Along with sugar and white flour, here’s a brief list of some of the starchy fruits and vegetables you’ll want to use with caution: acorn squash, beets, bananas, butternut squash, carrots, corn, Hubbard squash, parsnips, potatoes, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, and yams. Don’t worry, they’re not gone forever — you’ll be able to indulge from time to time once you’re on the lifetime phase of maintenance.

You’ll also want to be careful about your beverages: Drinks like beer, wine, and hard alcohol may actually cause worse spikes in your insulin levels than indulging in a sugary treat.

The idea of cutting these delicious foods from your diet may cause you to balk at first — believe me, I know! But just keep your goal in mind: Think about the sleek, firm body you could have with just a little dedication. I promise you, cleaning stored sugar out of your system is 100 percent worth the sacrifice. I’ve been where you are and am here to tell you that cutting out these added sugars will get you in the best shape of your life. Every day can be a radiant day, full of energy, vitality, and good health. I am fortunate to feel this way, and soon, every day will be the same way for you!

P2 Deals of the Week!!
Chicken Breast $1.99 lb
Petite Sirloins buy one get 2 FREE
93% Ground Beef $2.99 lb
Grapefruit .99 lb

Asparagus $1.49 lb
Lettuce .88 ea
Sweet Onions .88 lb
Select Apples .99 lb
Strawberries 2 for $5
Chicken Tenders $1.99 lb

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Could a Gluten Intolerance Be Making You Sick?

It’s a bit of a challenge to avoid gluten in your diet, and it can be a little heartbreaking to have to try. After all, most of our favorite carbohydrates contain it! This special type of protein is found in abundance in wheat, rye, barley, and more… then baked into breads, crackers, and pastas. Gluten can also be hidden in foods you don’t expect, like vanilla extract, candy, broth, or yogurt.

For people who suffer from Araceli disease or even milder versions of gluten intolerance, eating just a few bites of gluten can disrupt their digestive systems or cause damage to their intestinal linings. Experts currently estimate that 43 percent of the population has some level of gluten intolerance; this means that it’s a very real possibility you could be upsetting your gastrointestinal tract with just a slice of bread or your next bowl of pasta. Here’s what you should consider:
  • Watch for symptoms. While food allergies may cause distinct, immediate reactions, the effects of a food intolerance may be more subtle. You may develop fatigue, weight gain, bloating (especially in the face), and digestive issues like gas, heartburn, diarrhea, or constipation.
  • Consider testing. Celiac disease is often diagnosed using either a blood test, stool test, or an intestinal biopsy — though it isn’t always caught right away. If you suspect that a gluten intolerance is causing your health issues, consult your doctor or, if you'd like to look into it yourself, order a food-allergy panel or a celiac antibody screen.
  • Try out the gluten-free diet. These days, gluten-free versions of your favorite foods are more available than ever, including pastas and breads. Consider taking a break from gluten for a month to see if your weight loss and your overall health improve. (Be aware that you’ll need to watch out for “hidden” gluten, in things like modified food starch, thickening agents, caramel coloring, MSG, flavored coffee, and soy sauce.) You may discover that avoiding gluten is your ticket to feeling great.
There’s nothing fun about making sacrifices, but some of them are totally worth it. How important to you is good health

P2 Deals of the week

King Soopers
Chicken Breast $1.99 lb
English Cucumbers $1
Hot House Tomoatoes .99 lb
Organic Honey Crisp Apples $1.99 lb

93% Ground Beef $2.49 lb
Petite Sirloins  buy one get one FREE

Rio Red Grapefruits 4 for $1
Onions 2 lbs $1
On the vine Tomatoes .88 lb
Strawberries 2 for $5
Apples .99 lb
Organic Onions .99 lb
93% Ground Beef 40% off
Ground Chicken Breast 40% off
Chicken Breast $2.99 lb
Organic Apples $1.77lb

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Why does my 2nd, 3rd, or 4th round seem harder!

Subsequent rounds of the HCG can be very different from the first. When we are heavier, our body has the ability to "choose" which fat cells will be metabolized with the least negative affect on the system. If the circulatory and nervous systems of the body are taxed, the body will innately choose fat cells that contain less harmful toxins to be metabolized. When we are heavy, this task must be pretty easy. However, since our bodies are in survival mode all the time, asking the body to move into deeper levels of toxicity before it is ready, will cause the system to halt the release of stored fat, in an effort to protect the body.

The second and third rounds of HCG will require that the body dig into fat stores that might possibly contain metals, pesticides, preservatives, chemicals, dental materials, vaccination residue, synthetic drug residue . . . not to mention any causitory elements like yeast, mold/fungus, virus, parasites, and bacteria.

The body is so good at "hiding" unwanted elements in the fat cells when it does not have the resources or the ability to move it from the system. And, to maintain a survivable level of pH in the interstitial fluid, the body will retain water (even from the intestinal tract) to buffer the cells against the acid produced from the fat soluble toxins. So, here is a kindergarten analogy:

1. We come into this program in a deficient state. (plain and simple, we are all somewhat acidic, toxic, and depleted)

2. We ask the body to burn stored fat for fuel. (plain and simple, our fat is toxic and acidic - although, this fat does also contain nutrients as well)

3. Since our body has to keep within a safe level of pH, the release of acidic elements during the diet could force our body to use up more of it's important vitamin and mineral reserves in order to balance and neutralize the acidity.

4. When B-Vitamin and Trace Mineral reserves become depleted in the body, the adrenal glands begin to feel the stress, and then kick into their survival mode.

5. Adrenals, when stressed, make the body CRAVE simple carbohydrates in order to get quick and easily assimilated foods into the system. Adrenals play a large role in the body's ability to balance blood sugar. Think about it . . . an athlete coming off the field will never crave a steak and broccoli . . . they crave hydrating sugar/sport drinks, or simple carbos to load up their system again. Remember, this depletion is not about health, but about the actual "survival" of the stressed organism (body).

6. So, when the body becomes stressed (mentally, physically, and nutritionally) it creates an overly acidic condition. The body responds with the use of minerals and vitamins to neutralize the acid. The vitamin and mineral usage causes a depletion which stresses the adrenals and thyroid, and the result can lead to uncharacteristic cravings for sugar and carbohydrates out of the blue!

7. It is important to alkalize our body (green drinks, alkalized water, mineral supplements, etc) so it doesn't have to use it's mineral stores to create balance. If we are already doing our best to introduce alkalizing elements, then our mineral reserves won't get used up and we have a better chance of staying in appetite suppression during Phase 2 of the diet.

8. A depleted thyroid can play a part in appetite. There are elements in the HCG Phase 2 product that can be support, however, some individuals would do well to seek out a natural thyroid supplement. If a participant is currently taking thyroid medication, they should seek the advice of their physician to determine the correct dosage of their medication during this time. There are many good thyroid supplements to choose from. Find a naturopath near you, or go to your local health food store and inquire. Our thyroid gland is responsible for so many important physical and emotional functions in the body and mind. If ravishing hunger persists, seek out a supplement to assist you! All forms of Kelp have iodine which can bring the thyroid back into balance.

9. Yeast, can play a role in cravings as well. This program is just like being on a yeast cleanse. We are eliminating sugars and starches, which feed yeast. As the food supply for the yeast begins to dwindle, the cravings for simple sugars and starches increases. If we can resist the temptation, there will be a yeast kill-off, and the cravings will subside. Yeast can be a "hunger culprit" in later rounds of Phase 2. If yeast, mold or fungus has been an issue in the past, the body would be well served by adding in Acidophilus or Pro-Biotics during this time.

How do I resolve this issue?First, we have to start looking at the body as being really smart! If the body is lacking in a certain nutrient, it will begin to search the system for alternatives. The only problem with this, is that eventually ~ other systems, organs, glands become depleted as well.

We have not been taught to supplement our daily intake of food with extra nutrition. But think on this: it takes 26 apples today, to equate the same nutritive quality of 1 apple from 1915. It takes 23 peaches today to equate the same nutritive quality of 1 peach from 1950! This is disturbing to say the least! Is it a wonder why we are all more hungry most of the time? The nutrients our bodies are craving cannot be attained from just a single serving anymore. It takes much more food to overcome the deficiencies we face today.

It is highly recommended that individuals get on a good B-Complex and a good trace mineral support while in Phase 2. This will help the body recover at a faster rate, and supply the body with good foundational nutrition during this period of rapid change. These nutrients would be helpful in Phase 3, 4 and continued into everyday life as well. Our toxic nation is only going to continue to deplete our bodies, our systems, organs and glands.

So, supplement!! Find a good quality "food state" vitamin and take it EVERY DAY. Find a good Trace Mineral supplement and take it EVERY DAY. Find a good B-Complex vitamin and take it EVERY DAY. Research higher pH water sources and drink ample 7.0 or higher, filtered water EVERY DAY!!

P2 Deals of the week

King Soopers
Honey Crisp Apples $1.99 lb
Organic Fuji Apples .99 lb
Onions 2 for $3

Chicken Breast $1.99
Petite Sir loins Buy one get one FREE
Asparagus $2.99 lb
Tomatoes on the vine $1.99 lb

Honey Crisp Apples $1.99 lb
Super Select Cucumbers 2 for $1
Red or Green Leaf Lettuce .88 ea
Hot House Cucumbers .99 ea
Roma Tomatoes .99 lb
Yellow Onions 2 for $3
Chicken Tenders $3.99 lb

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Food For Thought

Two Worst Foods for Your Weight

For people trying to lose weight, here's the good news: Nutrition researchers have scoped out the enemy. And these two foods are the top waistline assassins: potato chips and soda.

Everyone knows to cut back on junk food. But in a recent, large study examining what foods were most associated with weight gain, potato chips and sweetened drinks stood out as the ultimate arch villains.

Not All Snacks Created Equal
The basic blueprint of healthy living is simple: Eat less junk food, stay active, get a good night's sleep, drink alcohol only in moderation, and don't smoke. But scientists have now started to suspect that when it comes to junk food, some snacks are worse than others.

So in a recent study, they tracked more than 100,000 Americans over two decades to see who gained the most weight and what foods they ate. And they found that regularly having potatoes -- especially chips -- and sugar-sweetened drinks was most associated with an expanding waistline.

Good Maintenence Eating ~ Eat Italian — Live Longer!

Tomatoes, basil, and olive oil aren’t just the building blocks of delicious Italian cuisine — they’re also the perfect combination of ingredients if you’re looking to lose weight and eat healthier. How exciting is that? Here’s a look at how each of these superfoods can benefit your body.
  • Tomatoes. Tomatoes are loaded with lycopene, a phytonutrient and antioxidant. Lycopene has been proven to protect against a whole slew of cancers, including colorectal, prostate, breast, endometrial, lung, and pancreatic…and it has heart-protective qualities as well! While fresh tomatoes are wonderful for your health, cooked tomatoes, such as those in tomato sauce or even ketchup, actually contain more lycopene than their fresh counterparts.
  • Basil. This pungent herb is rich in antioxidants like vitamins A and C and flavonoids, which can help protect your cells from damage and improve your heart health. It can also inhibit bacterial growth — including dangerous strains of bacteria like staphylococcus.
  • Olive oil. Not all fats are bad: This monounsaturated oil can be a cornerstone of healthy eating — and can also help you lose weight. Studies have shown that people who follow an olive-oil-rich Mediterranean-style diet have a lower incidence of heart disease, diabetes, colon cancer, asthma, and atherosclerosis — and may actually cut their risk of death in half.
So go ahead and serve a generous portion of tomato sauce with your favorite organic meat — or, even occasionally, whole-grain pasta. It’ll be a delicious way to get some key nutrients that will improve your health. By eating delicious, nutritious, wholesome foods to propel you toward a leaner figure, a healthier lifestyle, and an all-around better way of life.

P2 Deals of the week!!

King Soopers
Asparagus $1.99 lb
Honey Crisp Apples $1.99 lb
Gala Apples $3.99 for a 5lb bag

Chicken Breast $2.49 lb
Petite Sirloins Buy one get one FREE
Strawberries 2 for $5
Apples .99 lb
Celery .69 lb

Apples .77 lb
Sweet Onions .77lb
Celery .77 ea
Red Grapefruit 2 for $1
Strawberries 2 for $5
Yellow and Red onions .99 lb
Romaine Lettuce 2 for $3
Chicken Breast $1.77 lb

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Why can we not have mints or sugar free gum?

Gum Chewing and Mints
First of all, part of this program that I think is essential is that it allows us, for a brief period, to concentrate on other things besides our mouth!!! If we do not break the habit of putting things in our mouth every minute of every day, we will never break the obsession and hold it has over us!! So, being a gum chewer for years, and a tic-tac fanatic, this was a switch for me ~ to say the least. What I found, was that when I had bad breath or a bad taste in my mouth, it became a sign that I needed to drink more water to flush toxins. Over time, I found that my need for these oral fixations slowly left me.

Secondly, these products are made from "junk". Plain and simple, we are trying to glean a new "clean" perspective for eating and what we put in our bodies. The chemicalized sugars in these gums and mints are the reason that our brain chemistry is askew in the first place, so why create that situation again??!! If you really need something for "bad breath" and adding extra water isn't helping ~ try sucking on a whole clove. suck on it until the "prickly" edges are soft, and then chew it! it is natural! Also, essential oils are great for this as well. Peppermint essential oil is a great breath freshener.

Thirdly, putting anything in your mouth is an indication to the body that the digestion process is beginning. If our body is constantly in a digesting mode, it takes the focus off of healing, restoring, repairing, eliminating, and regenerating. When are we, as a society, going to let our bodies do the things it was designed for?! Break the habit now, use this time to stop focusing on your mouth and let your body find a new level of normalcy.

P2 Deals of the Week!!

King Soopers
English Cucumbers $1ea
Gala and Jonathan Apples .99 lb

Chicken Breast $1.99 lb
Petite Sirloin Buy one get TWO FREE
93% Ground Beef $2.99 lb
Strawberries 2 for $5
Leaf Lettuce .99 ea

Navel Oranges .99lb
Celery .88 ea
Sweet Onions .88lb
Roma Tomatoes.88 lb
Red Grapefruit 2 for $1
Strawberries 2 for $5
Red and Yellow Onions .99 lb
Lettuce 2 for $3

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Diet soda may be making you fat.

Think you're making a healthier choice when you reach for diet soda instead of a sugary soft drink? Think again.

Diet soft drinks may have minimal calories, but they can still have a major impact on your waistline, according to two studies presented at a meeting of the American Diabetes Association in San Diego.

Researchers at the Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio tracked 474 people, all 65 to 74 years old, for nearly a decade, measuring the subjects' height, weight, waist circumference, and diet soft drink intake every 3.6 years. The waists of those who drank diet soft drinks grew 70 percent more than those who avoided the artificially sweetened stuff; people who drank two or more servings a day had waist-circumference increases that were five times larger than non-diet-soda consumers.

The findings are in line with those of a 2005 study, also conducted by researchers at the Texas Health Science Center, in which the chance of becoming overweight or obese increased with every diet soda consumed.

“On average, for each diet soft drink our participants drank per day, they were 65 percent more likely to become overweight during the next seven to eight years, and 41 percent more likely to become obese,” said Sharon Fowler, who was a faculty associate in the division of clinical epidemiology in the Health Science Center’s department of medicine at the time.

But how does something with no calories cause weight gain? Turns out that even if our taste buds can't tell the difference between real and fake sugar, our brains can. Another study, also presented at the American Diabetes Association meeting on Sunday, found that after three months of eating food laced with aspartame (which is also found in many diet soft drinks), mice had higher blood sugar levels than rodents who ate regular food. According to Fowler, who worked on all three studies and is now a researcher at UT Health Science Center at San Diego, the aspartame could trigger the appetite but do nothing to satisfy it. That could interfere with your body's ability to tell when you're full—and could lead you to eat more in general.

It happens in humans, too. A 2008 study found that women who drank water sweetened with sugar and water sweetened with Splenda couldn't taste a difference, but functional MRI scans showed that their brains' reward center responded to real sugar "more completely" than it did to the artificial sweetener.

"Your senses tell you there's something sweet that you're tasting, but your brain tells you, 'actually, it's not as much of a reward as I expected,'" Dr. Martin P. Paulus, a professor of psychiatry at the University of California San Diego and one of the authors of the study, told the Huffington Post. So you chase that no-calorie soda with something more caloric, like a salty snack. The sweet taste could also trigger your body to produce insulin, which blocks your ability to burn fat.

Aside from the health problems that go along with a widening waistline, diet soft drinks have also been linked to an increase in diabetes, heart attack, and stroke. One study of more than 2,500 people found that those "who drank diet soda daily had a 61 percent increased risk of cardiovascular events compared to those who drank no soda, even when accounting for smoking, physical activity, alcohol consumption and calories consumed per day," ABC News reported in February. And a 2008 University of Minnesota study of nearly 10,000 adults ages 45 to 64 found that drinking a single can of diet soda a day led to a 34 percent higher risk of developing metabolic syndrome, a collection of health problems that includes high blood sugar, high cholesterol, and high levels of belly fat.

"Drinking a reasonable amount of diet soda a day, such as a can or two, isn't likely to hurt you," writes Katherine Zeratsky, a nutritionist at the Mayo Clinic. "The artificial sweeteners and other chemicals currently used in diet soda are safe for most people, and there's no credible evidence that these ingredients cause cancer."

"It’s hard to make a blanket statement on whether or not you should drink diet soda," Brierley Wright, M.S., R.D., the nutrition editor for EatingWell Magazine, says. "At the end of the day what I think it comes down to is how are you using diet soda—is it truly a substitute for a higher calorie beverage or is it just an excuse to order the fries with your burger or a cookie for dessert? If it’s the former, go ahead. If it’s the latter, perhaps think twice."

But no matter how the soda is sweetened, it is an empty calorie food, Wright points out. "It delivers no nutritional value whatsoever and so should only be consumed in moderation."

by Lylah M. Alphonse, Senior Editor, Manage Your Life

P2 Deasl of the Week

King Soopers
Romain and Green Lettuce $1 a bunch
Spinach $1 a bunch
Yellow Onions 3lb bag $1.88
Asparagus $2.49 lb
Chicken Breast $1.99 lb
Organic Celery $1.49
Organic Cucumber $1.49

Frozen Tilapia Buy One get Two FREE
Petite Sirloin Buy One get One FREE
Tomatoes on the vine $1.88 ea

Roma Tomatoes .88 lb
Onions .49 lb
Gala Apples .99 lb
Ruby Red Grapefruit 2 for $1
Strawberries 2 for $5
Cluster Tomatoes $1.99 lb
Organic Celery .99 ea
93% Ground Beef 40% off
Ground Chicken Breast 40% off
Chicken Breast $2.99 lb
Chicken Breast

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Hunger Pangs don't always mean you are hungry!

What does appetite suppression feel like?

It is a bit different for everyone. For one person, their appetite may be non-existent.
They look at food and feel no cravepulling effect. They can move through each day and be content with the foods on the plan, and sometimes be unable to finish all of the allotted foods.

For another person, their cravings are still very intact, however, they are able to experience the smells and the memory of how food tantalized their taste-buds, yet, continue to resist the temptation to eat the food.

If adequate appetite suppression is present, the participant will resist food - period - end of statement.

If appetite suppression is not present, the individual will cheat.

"My stomach hurts!"

For some, appetite suppression requires a change of mind-set.
Our bodies know from birth how to digest food. It is an innate response to feel hunger and then eat. Feelings of thirst or hunger become present and we feed those feelings.

Here is where things get mixed up: because we eat extreme quantities, too often, our bodies have developed the habit of constant digestion. We have taught our bodies to expect large amounts of food, and to digest large quantities often! Our bodies are great at adapting. Believe me, our bodies would love to have more time to heal, regenerate, eliminate, recover, and rest, but, we just keep shoveling in the food so it has to stay focused on digestion ~ all the time!

When we create a change. However, with this eating plan, our bodies will initially react out of habit. We will experience extreme stomach grumbling, "empty pit" feeling, gnawing aches in our guts, etc. These feelings are not the same as being hungry. These feelings are simply the body responding to habit.

Remember, the HCG is allowing the body to get the calories it needs from our own fuel source. It is not "hungry". The uncomfortable feelings are the body's way of telling us that it is ready to digest ~ we just misinterpret those feelings as "hunger" when really, we are just missing the “experience” of eating. See the difference?!

Once this mind-set has been changed, adaptation into a new way of looking at food will become easy! The realization of how much energy and time has been wasted on feeding a HABITUALLY TRAINED digestion machine, will become clear.

The physiological aspects of cravings:

The body's pH plays a large roll in how quickly we release fat and inflammation.

Our bodies have stored toxins
, chemicals, metals, plastics, etc., in our fat because it may not have known how to metabolize or eliminate the toxins safely. Fat cells are a safe place for our body to store toxins. While on this program, we are now asking the body to dump these toxins back into the system, and now, it HAS to deal with them. When this happens, the elements that are pushed back into the system are very acidic.

The body then has to use it's mineral sources to neutralize these acidic elements. When our minerals become depleted, our adrenal glands become stressed. When the adrenal glands get distressed, they make our body crave simple carbohydrates (sugars and starches) in an effort to regain balance. This is a defense mechanism for the body. However, as a result, we feel like we are starving!!!

So, it is important to alkalize our body (green drinks, alkalized water, mineral supplements, etc) so it doesn't have to use it's mineral stores to create balance. If we are already doing our best to introduce alkalizing elements, then our mineral reserves won't get used up and we have a better chance of staying in appetite suppression during this Phase of the diet. The way to support the adrenal glands is to supplement with Trace Minerals and B-Complex vitamins.

A depleted thyroid can play a part in excessive appetite. Some individuals would do well to seek out a natural thyroid supplement. If a participant is currently taking thyroid medication, they should seek the advice of their physician to determine the correct dosage of their medication during this time.

Yeast, can play a role in cravings as well. This program is just like being on a yeast cleanse. We are eliminating sugars and starches, which feed yeast. As the food supply for the yeast begins to dwindle, the cravings for simple sugars and starches can increase for a short period of time. If we can resist the temptation, there will be a yeast kill-off, and the cravings will subside. Adding Acidophilus or Pro-Biotics during this time could prove to be very helpful.

Hydration is one of the most important of all body requirements! Sometimes we interpret the feelings of hunger to mean that our body is in need of food, when really, it is desparately in need of water! Remember to give your body adequate water ~ half of your body weight in ounces. Example: 190 lbs = 95 oz water.

P2 Deals of the week!!

King Soopers
Roma Tomatoes .99 lb
English Cucumbers 4 for $5

Chicken Breast $1.99 lb
Strawberries 2 for $3
Petite Sirloins Buy one get one FREE
Frozen Tilapia $2.99 lb

Hot House Tomatoes .88 lb
Lettuce .88 ea
Sweet Onions .88 lb
Strawberries 2 for $5
Chicken 50% off
Organic Apples $1.88 lb
Onganic Onions .99lb

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Habits That Make You Fat

Habits That Make You Fat
Eating "low-fat"
It sounds crazy, but I want you to stop buying foods marketed as low-fat or fat-free. Typically, they save you only a few calories and, in doing so, they replace harmless fats with low-performing carbohydrates that digest quickly—causing a sugar rush and immediately afterward, rebound hunger. Researchers from the University of Alabama at Birmingham found that meals that limited carbohydrates to 43 percent were more filling and had a milder effect on blood sugar than meals with 55 percent carbohydrates. That means you’ll store less body fat and be less likely to eat more

Eating free restaurant foods
Breadsticks, biscuits, and chips and salsa may be complimentary at some restaurants, but that doesn’t mean you won’t pay for them. Every time you eat one of Olive Garden's free breadsticks or Red Lobster's Cheddar Bay Biscuits, you're adding an additional 150 calories to your meal. Eat three over the course of dinner and that's 450 calories. That's also roughly the number of calories you can expect for every basket of tortilla chips you get at your local Mexican restaurant. What's worse, none of these calories comes paired with any redeeming nutritional value. Consider them junk food on steroids.
Sleeping too little or too much according to Wake Forest researchers, dieters who sleep five hours or less put on 2½ times more belly fat, while those who sleep more than eight hours pack on only slightly less than that. Shoot for an average of six to seven hours of sleep per night—the optimal amount for weight control.

Facing the buffet
Cornell researchers found that when eating at a buffet-style restaurant, obese diners were 15 percent more likely to choose seats with a clear view of the food. Your move: Choose a seat that places your back toward the spread. It will help you avoid fixating on the food. Drinking soda—even diet! The average American guzzles nearly a full gallon of soda every week. Why is that so bad? Because a 2005 study found that drinking one to two sodas per day increases your chances of being overweight or obese by nearly 33 percent. And diet soda is no better. When researchers in San Antonio tracked a group of elderly subjects for nearly a decade, they found that compared to nondrinkers, those who drank two or more diet sodas a day watched their waistlines increase five times faster. The researchers theorize that the artificial sweeteners trigger appetite cues, causing you to unconsciously eat more at subsequent meals.

Putting serving dishes on the table
Resist setting out foods buffet- or family-style, and opt instead to serve them from the kitchen. A study in the journal Obesity found that when food is served from the dinner table, people consume 35 percent more over the course of the meal. When an additional helping requires leaving the table, people hesitate to go back for more.

Watching too much TV
A University of Vermont study found that overweight participants who reduced their TV time by just 50 percent burned an additional 119 calories a day on average. That’s an automatic 12-pound annual loss! Maximize those results by multitasking while you watch—even light household tasks will further bump up your caloric burn. Plus, if your hands are occupied with dishes or laundry, you’ll be less likely to mindlessly snack—the other main occupational hazard associated with tube time.

Eating too late
Your body can burn flab while you sleep, but only if it isn't too busy processing a full stomach. A new study in the journal Obesity looked at the sleeping and eating habits of 52 people over seven days, and it found that those who ate after 8 p.m. took in the most daily calories and had the highest BMIs.

Not drinking enough water
Adequate water intake is essential for all your body’s functions, and the more you drink, the better your chances of staying thin. In one University of Utah study, dieting participants who were instructed to drink two cups of water before each meal lost 30 percent more weight than their thirsty peers. And you can magnify the effect by adding ice. German researchers found that six cups of cold water a day could prompt a metabolic boost that incinerates 50 daily calories. That’s enough to shed five pounds a year!

Eating too quickly
If your body has one major flaw, this is it: It takes 20 minutes for your stomach to tell your brain that it’s had enough. A study in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association found that slow eaters took in 66 fewer calories per meal, but compared to their fast-eating peers, they felt like they had
eaten more. What’s 66 calories, you ask? If you can do that at every meal, you’ll lose more than 20 pounds a year!

Eating when emotional
A study from the University of Alabama found that emotional eaters were 13 times more likely to be overweight or obese. If you feel the urge to eat in response to stress, try chewing a piece of gum, chugging a glass of water, or taking a walk around the block. Create an automatic response that doesn't involve food and you'll prevent yourself from overloading on calories.

Skipping meals
In a 2011 national survey from the Calorie Control Council, 17 percent of Americans admitted to skipping meals to lose weight. The problem is, skipping meals actually increases your odds of obesity. A study from the American journal of Epidemiology found that people who cut out the morning meal were 4.5 times more likely to be obese. Why? Skipping meals slows your metabolism and boosts your hunger. That puts your body in prime fat-storage mode and increases your odds of overeating at the next meal.

P2 Deals of the week

King Soopers
Asparagus $2.99 lb

Chicken Breast $2.49
Petite Sirloin Buy one get one FREE
Tomatoe on the vine 2 for $5

Romas .88 lb
Onions .49 lb
Romaine Lettuce .98 ea
Gala, Gold and Granny Smith Apples $1.88 lb
93% Lean Ground Beef $3.99 lb
Organic Celery .99 ea
Chicken Tenders $2.99 lb

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Tips for Healthy grocery shopping...

  • If it’s bagged or boxed, don’t buy it. Odds are, if the food comes in a bag or a box, it’s been processed and contains chemicals and preservatives that could add to your body’s toxic load.
  • Shop the perimeter of the store. The healthiest foods — fresh produce, meats, and dairy — are often located in the outer aisles, while the interior of the store — or Fake Food Land, as I like to call it — is stocked with the processed foods that will add to both your toxic load and your waist line.
  • Check the labels. If it contains something long and unpronounceable, put it down. If you can’t read it and say it, you probably don’t want to eat it. (There are exceptions to this rule, since some healthy ingredients have long unrecognizable names. Use the Ingredients to Avoid list in my Food Reference Guide to help you navigate.)
  • Look for clean foods. Organic produce, grass-fed beef and lamb, organic chicken, wild-caught seafood and natural pork all limit your exposure to toxins.
  • Avoid refined carbohydrates. White flour, white rice, corn and most sweeteners are Insulin Triggers that can cause your body to store all the calories you eat as fat — and make it hard for you to burn your stored fat as energy. Look for whole grain breads and pastas to help avoid the insulin rush.
  • Choose the best beverages. Water is the best and healthiest drink, but decaffeinated teas and Swiss Water decaffeinated coffees are also good choices. Avoid sodas, whether regular or diet — the regular kind are loaded with sugar and trigger an insulin surge, and the diet ones are full of chemicals and toxins you want to avoid.
  • If you can’t afford organic, free–range meats, opt for natural poultry, pork, and beef that’s raised without antibiotics or hormones. These are always the better choices, and they will contribute to your daily health and nutritional requirements.

Organic or not???

  • If you can’t afford organic produce, try growing a garden in your yard or participating in a community farm where everyone is allowed to grow produce on a small parcel of land approved by the city. Not only will you develop a self–sustaining system for beautiful, inexpensive, flavorful fruits and vegetables, but you’ll reap all the calming, rewarding benefits of gardening. Plus, you’ll see how fun it is to cook seasonally!

  • If you can’t afford organic food and are unable to grow your own, it’s crucial to wash all inorganic produce very carefully to minimize the toxins you consume. Soak everything for 20 minutes in water with vinegar and salt or water with fresh lemon juice and salt. You can also purchase a good chemical7ndash;free vegetable wash.

  • Some fruits and vegetables are higher in toxins than others. Therefore, if you can’t go organic, try to avoid: grapes*, apples*, lettuce, bell peppers, carrots, nectarines, peaches, strawberries, pears, kale, and celery. On the other hand, produce that is lowest in pesticides includes: broccoli, bananas, avocados, cabbage, watermelon, sweet peas, sweet corn, papayas, mangoes, pineapples, onions, shallots, kiwis, and asparagus.

P2 Deals of the week!!

King Soopers
Organic Yellow Onions .79 lb
Organic Celery $1.49 a bunch
Organic Cucumbers $1.49 lb

Chicken Breast $1.99 lb
Petite Sirloin Steaks Buy one get one FREE
Tomatoes on the Vine 2 for $5

Sweet Onions .98lb
Cabbage 2 for $1
Red and Green Leaf Lettuce 98. ea
Strawberries 2 for $5
Super Select Cucumbers 2 for $1
Chicken Breast $1.99 lb
Tilapia Fillets $4.99 lb
Organic Red and Yellow Onions .99 lb

Gala Apples $1.69 lb
Naval Oranges $1.49 lb
Yellow Onions $1.29 lb

    Thursday, August 25, 2011

    About Dynamite Specialty Products

    For more than 27 years, Dynamite has manufactured an entire line of nutritional products whose quality and effectiveness are unsurpassed. We offer our products for sale through distributors who share our vision of health. Our distributors enjoy the independence of a home office and the benefits of earning an income doing something they love.
    The mission of Dynamite and each of its distributors is to improve the lives of all living creatures, extending from people and horses to dogs, cats, ferrets, alpacas, birds, zoo animals as well as plants and crops. The cornerstone of our success has been and always will be quality. Our manufacturing process is done with careful detail to ensure each finished product meets the Dynamite standard. Because of this, Dynamite guarantees the quality of our products 100 percent.
    Dynamite is unusual in the industry because of the inclusion of human-grade materials, organic ingredients and chelated minerals in our animal supplements. All Dynamite supplements are top-of-line and utilize cutting-edge technology—leading the industry.
    You simply won’t find a company more committed to excellence in nutrition, balance of nutrients and quality of ingredients. We want to help you, your animals and your plants reach new levels in health while providing a real opportunity for financial independence.
    Mission Statement
    To provide the highest quality, environmentally-sound products in a business format that offers maximum personal financial opportunity.
    In 1933, August and Carmalita Zamzow founded a feed formulation and manufacturing business. Hard work, quality feeds, customer service and integrity grew their company, Zamzows, Inc. into a 10 store retail chain that still thrives today. These attributes have always been the cornerstones of Dynamite.
    In 1982, Jim Zamzow, grandson of August and Carmalita, founded Dynamite Marketing, Inc. Jim’s vision is to improve the health of all living beings through better nutrition. Dynamite products reflect this vision. Jim is a graduate of Boise State University and has extensively studied nutrition, soil science, microbiology, mycology and herbal medicine. Jim also works closely with a vast network of nationally recognizable experts in these fields to develop for Dynamite the finest products available.
    Jim’s children, Jos Zamzow and Callie Novak have worked in the business their whole lives. In Dynamite’s third decade, they took on leadership roles. Jos primarily leads the fertilizer division and manufacturing while Callie leads the Specialty Products (MLM) division operations. As a family, the Zamzows are committed to the legacy of August and Carmelita and a hereditary dedication to hard work, quality products and unsurpassed customer service.

    P2 Deals of the Week!!
    King Soopers
    Hot House Tomoatoes $1.99 lb
    Sweet Onions .89 lb
    Cabbage .49 lb
    Radishes .99 lb
    Organic Lettuce $1.99

    Chicken Breast $1.99 lb

    Petite Sirloins Buy one get two FREE
    Lettuce $1.19 ea
    Onions .99 ea

    Sweet Onions .88 lb
    Strawberries 2 for $4
    Radishes 2 for $1 bunches
    Super Select Cucumbers 2 for $1
    Navel Oranges $1.49 lb
    Asparugus $2.99
    Organic Onions .99 lb

    Thursday, August 18, 2011

    Dangers in aspartame and side effects of splenda

    Aspartame, the main ingredient in Equal and NutraSweet, is responsible for the most serious cases of poisoning, because the body actually digests it. Aspartame should be avoided by most women, but particularly in those with neuropsychiatric concerns. Recent studies in Europe show that aspartame use can result in an accumulation of formaldehyde in the brain, which can damage your central nervous system and immune system and cause genetic trauma. The FDA admits this is true, but claims the amount is low enough in most that it shouldn’t raise concern. I think any amount of formaldehyde in your brain is too much.

    Aspartame has had the most complaints of any food additive available to the public. It’s been linked with MS, lupus, fibromyalgia and other central nervous disorders. Possible side effects of aspartame include headaches, migraines, panic attacks, dizziness, irritability, nausea, intestinal discomfort, skin rash, and nervousness. Some researchers have linked aspartame with depression and manic episodes. It may also contribute to male infertility.

    Evidence that there are side effects of Splenda is accumulating little by little. Sucralose has been implicated as a possible migraine trigger, for example. Self-reported adverse reactions to Splenda or sucralose collected by the Sucralose Toxicity Information Center include skin rashes/flushing, panic-like agitation, dizziness and numbness, diarrhea, swelling, muscle aches, headaches, intestinal cramping, bladder issues, and stomach pain. These show up at one end of the spectrum — in the people who have an allergy or sensitivity to the sucralose molecule. But no one can say to what degree consuming Splenda affects the rest of us, and there are no long-term studies in humans with large numbers of subjects to say one way or the other if it’s safe for everyone

    If you like the taste of sodas but wish there was a healthier alternative there is. By adding Stevia, a natural sweetner, along with Capella, flavoring drops, you can make yourself a delicous homemade soda without all the unhealthy stuff!!

    P2 Deals of the Week!!

    King Soopers
    English Cucumbers $1
    Roma Tomatoes .99 lb
    Sweet Yellow Onions .89 lb
    Lettuce 2 for $3
    Cabbage 2 for $3
    Organic Celery 2 for $3

    Chicken Breast $1.99 lb
    93% Lean Ground Beef $2.99 lb

    Spinach $1 a bag
    Lettuce $1 ea
    Organic Red Onions $1 lb
    Chicken Breast $1.99 lb
    Ground Chicken Breast $3.99 lb
    Organic Strawberries $2.99 ea
    Organic Hot House Tomatoes $1.99 lb

    Thursday, August 11, 2011

    Stevia is the better choice.

    We’ve known about stevia in the US since 1918, but pressure from the sugar import trade blocked its use as a commodity. Today stevia is slowly gaining steam as a sugar substitute, despite similar hurdles. The FDA has approved its use as a food supplement, but not as a food additive due to a lack of studies. Stevia can be used for anything you might use sugar in, including baking. It is naturally low in carbohydrates. You can buy stevia at most health food stores and over the web. There will always be those who have a sensitivity to a substance, but based on reports from other countries it appears to have little to no side effects. For women who want to move through their cravings for sugar without artificial chemicals, stevia is a great option.

    P2 Deals of the Week!!

    Lettuce .88 ea
    Tilapia Buy 1 get 2 FREE!!
    Petitie Sirloins Buy 1 get 2 FREE!!

    Asparagus $1.57 lb
    Sweet Onions .88 lb
    Lettuce .88 lb
    Organic Gala Apples $1.8 lb
    Chicken Tenders $2.99 lb
    Organic Celery 2 for $3
    Cluster Tomatoes $1.88 lb

    Thursday, August 4, 2011

    Allergies or Detoxification?

    More and more people are experiencing allergies and suffering with the symptoms they bring. In past Wellness Reports we have discussed how histamine receptors trigger inflammation in the four tissues they populate: the airways, the digestive/reproductive tract, our brain and our immune system. Histamine is very inflammatory and easily triggers runaway inflammation.
    In this discussion we will look specifically at histamines, toxins and allergies. We will also get a chance to discuss ways to help reduce the impact of allergies and their annoying symptoms.

    Allergy or toxin?
    The symptoms of allergy may be more obscure than you think. For example, sneezing may be an allergy symptom, but muscle pain, insomnia and acid reflux may also be signs of allergy. These are signs of excessive histamines.
    The symptoms of toxicity may also be more obscure than you think. For example, headaches, joint pains, colitis and poor coordination may be signs of toxicity. So may skin eruptions.
    Your body has a unique detoxification system. It comes with many fail-safe mechanisms. A toxin may simply be detoxified and rendered harmless – usually by the liver. This is often accomplished through enzymes with the help of antioxidants. These poisons may be turned into useful tools, such as when blood toxins are turned into bile to help us digest fat from our diet.
    Some toxins are difficult to detoxify; they may be stored permanently in fat. Other toxins and allergens are stored temporarily in water in the lymphatic system. This is why people get "puffy" with allergies or toxicity.
    Another technique for ridding your body of toxins is excretion through your urine, colon, lungs, breath (about 75% of all body toxins are eliminated by breathing deeply), and also through your skin. Toxins that come out through the skin leave distinct blemishes. They may become infected and leave scars. Allergies that affect the skin have a different appearance, usually as large, water-filled blisters or hives. These are signs of excessive histamines.

    How do I know?
    How can you tell if you are having an allergic reaction versus a detoxification reaction? Easy: histamines elevate your pulse rate.
    Do this: First thing in the morning, before you have a drink of water, before you brush your teeth, before you do anything else sit quietly for a few minutes and count your pulse rate. Count it for a full minute and write it down. Now, ingest the substance you want to test and continue to sit quietly for another 5 minutes. Practice some deep breathing to keep yourself relaxed and calm. At the end of 5 minutes, count your pulse rate again. A substance that is "good for you" will not elevate your pulse rate; or, if it does, it will not be much – 2 to 4 beats per minute. If you are allergic to the substance it will elevate your pulse rate a lot: 6 to 8 beats per minute for a mild allergy, 8 to 12 for a moderate allergy and more than 12 for a significant allergy.
    You can use this technique with any food or other substance to which you suspect you are allergic.
    Is it allergies – or detoxification?

    King Soopers
    Hothouse Tomatoes $1.99 lb
    Organic Lettuce 2 for $3

    Chicken Breast $1.99 lb
    Petite Sirloin $2.99 lb
    Strawberries 2 for $5
    Lettuce .99 ea

    50% off Chicken
    Organic Onions .99 lb

    Thursday, July 28, 2011

    Splenda not such a splendid idea to use this product.

    Sucralose (aka Splenda)
    Discovered in 1976, it is made by chlorinating sugar! It was discovered by accident. Two Tate & Lyle scientists were looking for a way to test chlorinated sugars as chemical intermediates when there was a gross misunderstanding. Leslie Hough asked his young Indian colleague Shashikant Phadnis to test the powder. Phadnis thought Hough said “taste,” and he did—it was very sweet! A final sweetener formula was developed within a year.
    Sucralose is composed of 50 percent phenylalanine, 40 percent aspartic acid, and 10 percent methyl alcohol. In 1998 it was approved by the FDA. In 2000 concerns over safety surfaced, including a lack of long-term studies. Reported symptoms of sensitivity to this compound include headaches, dizziness/balance problems, mood swings, vomiting and nausea, abdominal pain and cramps, seizures and convulsions, and changes in vision. Concerns have also been raised regarding its effect on the thymus gland—crucial to proper immune system functioning.

    P2 Deals of the week!!

    King Soopers
    Organic Romaine Lettuce 2 for $3
    Spinach $1 a bunch
    Organic Celery Hearts 2 for $5
    English Cucumbers $1ea

    Chicken Breast $1.99 lb
    Petite Siloins $3.99 lb

    Yellow Onions .49 lb
    Organic Celery .99 ea
    Cluster Tomatoes ont he vine $1.99 lb
    Strawberries 2 for $5
    Chicken Tenders $1.88 lb
    Organic Lettuce 2 for $3