Thursday, August 18, 2011

Dangers in aspartame and side effects of splenda

Aspartame, the main ingredient in Equal and NutraSweet, is responsible for the most serious cases of poisoning, because the body actually digests it. Aspartame should be avoided by most women, but particularly in those with neuropsychiatric concerns. Recent studies in Europe show that aspartame use can result in an accumulation of formaldehyde in the brain, which can damage your central nervous system and immune system and cause genetic trauma. The FDA admits this is true, but claims the amount is low enough in most that it shouldn’t raise concern. I think any amount of formaldehyde in your brain is too much.

Aspartame has had the most complaints of any food additive available to the public. It’s been linked with MS, lupus, fibromyalgia and other central nervous disorders. Possible side effects of aspartame include headaches, migraines, panic attacks, dizziness, irritability, nausea, intestinal discomfort, skin rash, and nervousness. Some researchers have linked aspartame with depression and manic episodes. It may also contribute to male infertility.

Evidence that there are side effects of Splenda is accumulating little by little. Sucralose has been implicated as a possible migraine trigger, for example. Self-reported adverse reactions to Splenda or sucralose collected by the Sucralose Toxicity Information Center include skin rashes/flushing, panic-like agitation, dizziness and numbness, diarrhea, swelling, muscle aches, headaches, intestinal cramping, bladder issues, and stomach pain. These show up at one end of the spectrum — in the people who have an allergy or sensitivity to the sucralose molecule. But no one can say to what degree consuming Splenda affects the rest of us, and there are no long-term studies in humans with large numbers of subjects to say one way or the other if it’s safe for everyone

If you like the taste of sodas but wish there was a healthier alternative there is. By adding Stevia, a natural sweetner, along with Capella, flavoring drops, you can make yourself a delicous homemade soda without all the unhealthy stuff!!

P2 Deals of the Week!!

King Soopers
English Cucumbers $1
Roma Tomatoes .99 lb
Sweet Yellow Onions .89 lb
Lettuce 2 for $3
Cabbage 2 for $3
Organic Celery 2 for $3

Chicken Breast $1.99 lb
93% Lean Ground Beef $2.99 lb

Spinach $1 a bag
Lettuce $1 ea
Organic Red Onions $1 lb
Chicken Breast $1.99 lb
Ground Chicken Breast $3.99 lb
Organic Strawberries $2.99 ea
Organic Hot House Tomatoes $1.99 lb

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