Thursday, June 30, 2011

Eliminate This ONE Ingredient and Watch Your Health Soar

A video posted on YouTube in July 2009 on the biochemistry of fructose has gone viral with more than 800,000 views so far. Many of those views are no doubt due to this newsletter, as my two previous articles on Dr. Lustig's work Sugar May Be Bad, But This Sweetener is Far More Deadly, and This Common Food Ingredient Can Really Mess Up Your Metabolism alone have OVER one million views.

People are watching the lecture at the rate of 50,000 a month, even though it's 90 minutes long, The New York Times reports. Calling sugar a "toxin" or a "poison" 13 times, and referring to it as "evil" five times, the video's author, Robert Lustig explains that sugar is sugar, whether it's the white granulated stuff – commonly known as sucrose – or high fructose corn syrup.

And his stance has nothing to do with calories, according to the NYT: "It's a poison by itself," he says.
"If Lustig is right, then our excessive consumption of sugar is the primary reason that the numbers of obese and diabetic Americans have skyrocketed in the past 30 years," the NYT says. "But his argument implies more than that. If Lustig is right, it would mean that sugar is also the likely dietary cause of several other chronic ailments widely considered to be diseases of Western lifestyles — heart disease, hypertension and many common cancers among them."

The NYT added that Lustig has "a mass" of evidence to back up his claims.
In related news, according to the Epoch Times, a report has found that the United States is the fattest of 33 countries studied. Seventy percent of Americans are now overweight, a number that will increase to 75 percent by 2020 and 86 percent by 2030!

Strawberries 2 for $3
Beefsteak Tomatoes .99 lb
Sweet Onions .99 lb
Cabbage 2 lbs for $1
Lemons 3 for $1
Limes 10 for $1
Chicken Breast Family pack $3.99 lb
Organic Lettuce 2 for $3

King Soopers
Chicken Breast $1.99 lb
English Cucmbers 2for $3
Strawberries 2 for $5

Chicken Breast $1.88 lb
Petite Siloins $3.99 lb
Strawberries 2 for $5
Lettuce .99 ea
Tomatoes on the vine $1.99 lb

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Eat Right for Your Blood Type, very interesting information.

Choosing Foods by Blood Type Menu
The site below has lots of information regarding the foods we eat and blood type.

If you do not know your blood type there is a this link on the site to order your own home kit.

2 tbsp lemon juice
Stevia to taste (you can use lemon Stevia)
2 quarts of water
(You can also add cappella drops such as sweet strawberry to make strawberry lemonade)

 P2 Deals of the week!!
Sunflower Market
Asparagus $1.27 lb
Lettuce .88 ea
Strawberries 2 for $5
Chicken Breast $1.99 lb

Chicken Breast $1.88 lb
Tomatoes .99 ea
Tilapia $2.99 lb

93% Beef $2.99 lb
Spinach .99 a bunch

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Beware even some Stevias have been altered!! Become a more avid label reader!!

Sugar can rob you of your youth, health, and beauty. I am not exaggerating when I say that.

Sugar causes problems for your skin via glycation. This is a natural process that takes place within the body. A Miami and New York dermatologist, Dr Fredric Brandt, has researched this in depth. The sugar will attach to various proteins when it is consumed and moves into your bloodstream. The compound created are then called advanced glycation end products (AGEs).

In turn, glycation actually increases the more sugar you eat. As the number of AGEs in your body increases, it will begin to show in your skin. It damages the cells, particularly the elastin and collagen, so your skin will begin to look older.

Collagen is one of the most important elements of your skin and has three types – I, II and III. The latter is the longer lasting of the three. However, an increased amount of sugar will cause III to degrade and turn into I. This will then degrade your skin and cause rapid aging.

AGE proteins also neutralize antioxidants and they therefore leave your skin open to damage from the environment and attacks from within via the free radicals that antioxidants are supposed to neutralize.

Eating pro-inflammatory foods with sugar shows up on the skin as a loss of radiance, dark circles under the eyes, the loss of tone, puffiness, an increase in fine lines and wrinkles, the loss of facial contours and increased pore size. These foods can also exacerbate acne, which is a systemic, inflammatory disease. I am not exaggerating when I say that sugar can rob you of your youth, health, and beauty.

All artificial sweeteners have been molecularly altered in some way. Splenda, Aspartame, Saccharin, etc have a molecular blueprint that the body no longer recognizes. So, what does the body do with these substances? Well, since the blueprint isn’t recognized by the body, there is no recognizable plan for elimination either!! Scary, but the body just has to store all the chemical constituents to protect the body from their leeching tendencies.

The body stores all this “junk” in our fat cells, and in the tissues of our organs and glands to try to hide them. The brain is SO susceptible to the harmful affects of these chemicals, that brain chemistry is altered. The Pituitary, Pineal, and Hypothalamus are in direct line to be damaged, or altered as a result.

Guess what? If the diet industry can get us to ingest their newest “altered sugar” , they are getting us to voluntarily change our brain chemistry, and ultimately, stay or get fat and stay or get ill!

These substances are DANGEROUS and should be avoided at all cost! The natural alternative is Stevia. But, even now, companies are adding some molecularly altered sugars to Stevia!! So, beware! Read the ingredient labels to make sure that your Stevia product has no other altered sugars added.

Apple Pancakes(p3, this is a caution item since it contains starch)
1 small finely chopped apple
¼ tsp cinnamon
Stevia to taste
Just enough pancake mix (per instructions) to coat apples
*Make like regular pancakes

P2 Deals of the week!!

King Soopers
Organic Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar $2.99
English cucumbers 2 for $3

Romaine Lettuce .88 ea
Onions 2lbs for $1
Organic tomatoes $1.99 lb
Chicken Breast $2.99 lb
Organic celery .99ea

Peitie Sirloins Buy one get one FREE
Frozen Tilapia Fillets Buyone get TWO FREE
Strawberries 2 for $5

Straberries buy one get one free
Chicken Breast $1.99 lb

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Weight Loss vs Fat Loss

Let's start by saying there is a difference in weight loss and fat loss.
  • Fat loss is when you decrease you body fat and maintain your lean body mass (muscle). This is good!
  • Weight loss can mean you lose fat, water and muscle. This is bad.

Weight Loss: Anyone can loss weight (in the beginning), by simply not eating. Now here is what happens when you do this. You lose some fat, water, and the most important tissue to your body, Muscle. As most of you know who have tried this approach you can’t go long before you have to start eating again and when you do, you gain back the fat and the water but not the muscle, therefore lowering your metabolism. (Your metabolism is your bodies ability to burn calories). Then this becomes a cycle, don’t eat, lose weight, eat, gain weight. This will work for a while until your body catches on and you have burn up most of your muscle tissue. Then it just will not work any more. So you get bigger and bigger and that becomes the cycle.

Fat Loss: This is the most optimal and effective way to lose weight and keep it off. Why? Because you maintain your metabolism by maintaining your muscle. Think of muscle as your engine. The more muscle you have the faster your engine runs, burning calories like crazy.

We love the fact that our Phase 2 hCG really does burn the Adipose fat , which is what we do not want on our bodies.

Crust-less Pumpkin Pie (P3)
1 ¾ cup (1small can) pumpkin
2 eggs
1 cup milk
2 tsp cinnamon
½ tsp ginger
½ tsp nutmeg
1 cup of somersweet baking sweetener
*Combine all ingredients
*Bake in 350 degree oven for 30-40 min or till done

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Eliminate This ONE Ingredient and Watch Your Health Soar

A video posted on YouTube in July 2009 on the biochemistry of fructose has gone viral with more than 800,000 views so far. Many of those views are no doubt due to this newsletter, as my two previous articles on Dr. Lustig's work Sugar May Be Bad, But This Sweetener is Far More Deadly, and This Common Food Ingredient Can Really Mess Up Your Metabolism alone have OVER one million views.

People are watching the lecture at the rate of 50,000 a month, even though it's 90 minutes long, The New York Times reports. Calling sugar a "toxin" or a "poison" 13 times, and referring to it as "evil" five times, the video's author, Robert Lustig explains that sugar is sugar, whether it's the white granulated stuff – commonly known as sucrose – or high fructose corn syrup.

And his stance has nothing to do with calories, according to the NYT: "It's a poison by itself," he says.
"If Lustig is right, then our excessive consumption of sugar is the primary reason that the numbers of obese and diabetic Americans have skyrocketed in the past 30 years," the NYT says. "But his argument implies more than that. If Lustig is right, it would mean that sugar is also the likely dietary cause of several other chronic ailments widely considered to be diseases of Western lifestyles — heart disease, hypertension and many common cancers among them."

The NYT added that Lustig has "a mass" of evidence to back up his claims.
In related news, according to the Epoch Times, a report has found that the United States is the fattest of 33 countries studied. Seventy percent of Americans are now overweight, a number that will increase to 75 percent by 2020 and 86 percent by 2030!

Lettuce .77ea
Organic Yellow Onions .77lb
Strawberries 2 for $5
93% Lean Ground Beef $2.99 lb

Chicken Breast $1.69 lb
Cucumbers 2 for $1

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Excerise and HCG Phase 2 WALKING is great!

The greatest MYTH about walking as an exercise is that walking helps when reducing your weight and not toning your body the way you want. Gym exercises and Swimming are looked upon as better options when body toning is in question.

This is not true, however. There is more to walking than just pleasure-walking and fast walking. There are many ways of walking and each of your body parts benefit from some way or the other.Make sure you have some good walking shoes.

Here's how you can shape your body the way you want, by walking.

1. Flat Stomach - Walk downhill with small, fast steps, stomach in, shoulders straight.
Make your steps as small as possible and very fast.

2. Shapely Thighs - Walk uphill with long steps, without bending your knees, stomach in, shoulders straight. This will shape your hips as well.

3. Slimmer Arms - Swing your arms freely as you walk. Feel the pressure in your upper arms as you stretch your arms back and forth.

4. Slim Waistline - Walk at a medium pace with your hands held high in the air above your head. Keep your hands straight and maintain a perfect posture as you walk.

Continued exercising in the correct way will bring you desired results. I suggest
continuing any kind of exercise regularly for at least 40 days before expecting results.

1000 Island(p3)
1 ½ mayonnaise
3 tbsp ketchup
1 ½ relish
1 small onion, minced
½ tsp pepper
2 tbsp lemon juice
½ tsp salt
2 ½ c plain yogurt
*Combine all ingredients adding yogurt last

Super Select Cucumbers 3 for $1
Ruby Red Grapefruit 2 for $1
Roma Tomatoes .97 lb
Organic Gala Apples .99 lb
Organic Romaine Lettuce .99 ea
Strawberries 2 for $5
Chicken Breast 50% off

King Soopers
Strawberries 2 for $5
Romaine Lettuce 2 for $3
Tomatoes on the vine $1 lb
96% Ground Beef $3.49 lb

Chicken Breast $1.99 lb
Petite Sir Loins Buy one get one FREE
Navel Orages $1 lb