~Achieving Appetite Suppression~
Finding a level of appetite suppression that allows you to stay with the program is key. Appetite suppression will be the difference between this plan, and most other weight loss programs that you have tried. What does appetite suppression feel like? It is a bit different for everyone. For one person, their appetite may be non-existent. They look at food and feel no crave-pulling effect. They can move through each day and be content with the foods on the plan, and sometimes be unable to finish all of the allotted foods.
For another person, their cravings are still very intact, however, they are able to experience the smells and the memory of how food tantalized their taste-buds, yet continue to resist the temptation to eat the food.
If appetite suppression is not present, the individual will cheat. If adequate appetite suppression is present, the participant will resist food – period – end of statement.
For some, appetite suppression requires a change of mind-set. Our bodies know from birth forward how to digest food. It is an innate response to feel hunger and then eat. Feelings of thirst or hunger become present and we feed those feelings.
Here is where things get mixed up: because we eat extreme quantities, too often, our bodies have developed the habit of constant digestion. We have taught our bodies to expect large amounts of food, and to digest large quantities often! Our bodies are great at adapting.
Believe me, our bodies would love to have more time to heal, regenerate, eliminate, recover, and rest, but, we just keep shoveling in the food so it has to stay focused on digestion ~ all the time! So, when we create a change, like this eating plan, our bodies will react out of habit. We will experience extreme stomach grumbling, “empty pit” feeling, gnawing aches in our guts, etc. These feelings are not the same as being hungry. These feelings are simply the body responding to habit. The HCG is allowing the body to get the calories it needs from our own fuel source. It is not “hungry”.
The uncomfortable feelings are the body’s way of telling us that it is ready to digest ~ we just misinterpret those feelings as “hunger”. See the difference?! Once this mind-set has been changed, adaptation into a new way of looking at food will become easy! The realization of how much energy and time has been wasted on feeding a HABITUALLY TRAINED digestion machine will become clear.
The other side of the coin is that there are times when an individual will feel as though he or she could eat-a-horse! But, this is usually a different feeling than what is mentioned above. This feeling is an uncontrollable desire to fill a void.
This feeling requires that we look at emotional and physiological deficiencies. As I mentioned above, “if appetite suppression is not present, the individual will cheat”.
The minute you begin thinking about, or craving food ~ you should step back and evaluate “why”. There could a few different reasons why you are craving, or longing for, food. Think about it, we have used food as a coping mechanism all of our lives! From the first time our mother handed us a lollipop and said, “here, this will make it all better”, we have developed the need to numb ourselves from our lives with food or drink. The HCG eating plan will help determine how we have used food to cope.
For men, because most are not used to restricting food, the small volume of food creates an emotional feeling of lack. This feeling alone can stir up false “hunger” pangs and cravings for food. For women, restriction of food is kind of common! So, our cravings come from the desire to be nurtured, loved, and taken care of.
Both men and women use fat to “pad” against the world. It could be because of sexual abuse (this is a big one ~ extra fat on the body creates more space between the body, and the abuser). It could be because of a perceived unworthiness (”if you keep eating like that, you’ll never get married because nobody will ever find you attractive”). It could be because the world doesn’t seem supportive and it isn’t “feeding” us.
It is then, that we start realizing how we have used food, soda, and alcohol as coping mechanisms. We use them to suppress any uneasy thoughts, feelings, emotions, etc. It is important, when we get unruly cravings, to determine what emotions are in play for us. Ask yourself this question if hunger is ever knocking at your door ~” What part of my life is not feeding me? ”
If there is an area of your life that has been depleted, guaranteed, you have filled it or numbed it with food, or drink. This can be the most transformational part of this program ~ finding ways to fill the void in “healthy” ways, and just flat out, being more kind to our physical bodies!
Now, on to the physiological aspects of cravings:
Our bodies have stored toxins, chemicals, metals, plastics, etc., in our fat because it may not have known how to metabolize or eliminate the toxins safely. We are now “forcing” the body to dump these toxins back into the body, and now, it HAS to deal with them. When this happens, the elements that are pushed back into the system are very acidic. The body then has to use it’s mineral sources to alkalize the acid elements.
When our minerals become depleted, our adrenals glands become stressed. When the adrenal glands get distressed, they make our body crave simple carbohydrates (sugars and starches) to fuel the body quickly. This is a defense mechanism for the body. However, as a result, we feel like we are starving!!! So, it is important to alkalize our body (green drinks, alkalized water, mineral supplements, etc) so it doesn’t have to use its mineral stores to create balance. If we are already doing our best to introduce alkalizing elements, then our mineral reserves won’t get used up and we have a better chance of staying in appetite suppression during this Phase of the diet.
A depleted thyroid can play a part in appetite. There are elements in the HCG Phase 2 product that can be support; however, some individuals would do well to seek out a natural thyroid supplement. If a participant is currently taking thyroid medication, they should seek the advice of their physician to determine the correct dosage of their medication during this time.
Yeast, can play a role in cravings as well. This program is just like being on a yeast cleanse. We are eliminating sugars and starches, which feed yeast. As the food supply for the yeast begins to dwindle, the cravings for simple sugars and starches increases. If we can resist the temptation, there will be a yeast kill-off, and the cravings will subside. Adding Acidophilus or Pro-Biotics during this time could prove to be very helpful.
I am still recommending that individuals get on a good B-Complex and a good trace mineral support while in Phase 2. This will help the body recover at a faster rate, and supply the body with good foundational nutrition during this period of rapid change.
I hope this information has been helpful! There are many facets to this HCG plan, but if you can stick with the learning curve long enough for the body to right itself, you will find great value, and victory!
Tuna Salad (p2)
1 can of water packed tuna
2 tbsp minced celery
1 tbsp brown mustard (or Perfect Portions Sweet Mustard Dressing)
½ tsp garlic powder
¼ tsp pepper
1 tbsp water
1 hardboiled egg, mashed
4 leaves of lettuce
*Combine all ingredients
*Use lettuce and make wraps
(another way to make this is to have 2-3 stalks of celery diced and omit the lettuce)
*Petite sirloin steak **Buy one get one FREE**
*Bonless/skinless chiecken breast $1.97 lb
*Most Apples .99lb
*Oranges .49lb
*Rio Red Grapefruit .17 each
*Red, White and yellow Onions .50lb
*Cilantro .50 each
*Parsley .50 each
*Radishes .50 each
*Strawberries $1.77lb